October 2008
Mustangs & Fords
Dual carb ’32 from the All Ford Car Show.
Notice beautiful weather!
The meeting is Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2008
at Luther Family Ford, Fargo at 6:30.

Northstar Mustangs & Fords


MUSTANG NEWS, the newsletter for NORTHSTAR MUSTANGS, is published monthly for the members of the club to provide them with current club news, information for the future, and as a forum for the exchange of ideas and information.

Club dues are $20.00 per year and include a Northstar Mustang Club calendar, monthly Northstar Mustang Newsletter, admission to club events and free classified advertising.
All correspondence should be sent to the editorial address:Elton Solseng
3037 166th Ave SE
Harwood, ND  58042
Classified ads are free to members.  Send your ads to the address above along with your name, address, and phone number by the 25th of the month.

We welcome any and all letters to the club and invite anyone to write tech article or stories of your personal experiences.
PresidentDean Skaflen239-0445dskaflen@msn.com
Vice PresidentShawn Jacob212-6424ruthless351@netzero.com
TreasurerPeg Skaflen239-0445pskaflen@msn.com
SecretaryMark Ugelstad282-8984mugelstad@multiband.tv
EditorColleen Solseng282-0387colleen.solseng@ndsu.edu
WebmasterTad Burkhart261-3597tburkhar@microsoft.com

Membership Application
Name_____________________________________ Spouse’s Name__________________________________
Address____________________________________________ Car___________________________________
City__________________________ State_____ Zip_______ Car___________________________________
Phone_____________________ E-mail_________________________________________________________

President Speaks

Well, we got through another All Ford show and what a great day it was! Weather was fantastic, attendance was good and enough cars were on hand to fill our area up. And, we made a few bucks while we were at it. So, think about things you would like to do with our resources.

Other things we need to work on-elections will be here soon, mid-month events need to be discussed, and we need 2 people to head up next years 2 car shows. We, as a club, really need to get a head start on the car shows to maximize our exposure. Peg and I attend our first car show in January and I would like to start getting the word out then if at all possible. We have to be ready by the time Toppers has their show, which is usually the end of March or early April followed by Prime Steel in early to mid April. Please everyone, get your thinking hats on and lets get a jump on things so we do not have last minute problems or concerns.

I would also like to put out a great "Thank You" to all that were able to help at our shows and look forward to your support next year. It takes great club participation to make these things happen.

With that, it is time to sign off. See you Tuesday evening.
Your Prez,

From The Editor

Hey Ford lovers!

The cold weather is holding off for awhile anyway. But, the end to this nice weather is probably coming. We were at the car show at Olivet Lutheran Church on Sept 28 along with Tom. It was a rather chilly morning. The sun was shining when we left home, but completely cloudy when we got to Fargo. By the time we headed home, the sun had come out and it was pretty nice out.

The other night I got a call from a guy from Wisconsin who asked if I knew of any 68-69 Chargers for sale. I said I was a Ford guy, so he asked if I knew of any Chevelles for sale? I said I was a Ford guy. Oh well, he then asked if I knew of any Torinos for sale. Now this guy doesn’t really care what brand, just something!

There was a question last month on three speed transmissions for the Mustang. Apparently we have to specify the year we are talking about. For instance, in 65-66 there were two, one for the 6 cylinder and one for the 8 cylinder. By my Chilton’s and Motors manuals they used the same transmissions 3-4speeds through the early years. Then with the Pinto (remember them?) Ford used a German and a British 4 speed. But they stayed with the American 4 speed for the Mustang. The 3speed stayed Ford according to what I saw. Or did they use other manufacturers? The shop manual that I have shows that there were gear ratios for both the 3 and 4 speed transmission for each engine depending on rear axle ratio. If anyone knows of a good reference on transmissions, please e-mail me.

Oh yeah…this month is nomination of officers. Here is your chance to get an office, (if you are not there, you may be given an office). So please think seriously about holding an office or who would make good officers for our club. Please show up if you are worried about being nominated. If you are interested in holding an officer position in the club, speak up or ask someone to nominate you.

See you Tuesday, October 14.


From The Secretary

September 9, 2008

6:37 Meeting gaveled to order.

Elton moves and Bob seconds to accept minutes as written. Approved with unanimity.

Treasurer reports via Dean that we have money and all bills are paid. The show raised $49.77 for Roger Maris and $69.00 for Alexa’s Hope. Bob moves and Elton seconds we round the amounts up to $100. It passes unanimously.

Meeting degrades to chaos over non profit status.

Old Business

75 cars at the All Ford Car Show.

Talk of future shows.

Blah, Blah, Blah – Todd talks.

New Business

Parade for West Fest, 20 Sept. Park at Payroll Express (mini car show with Brats).

Thank you to SunMart for donuts at show.

Todd wants a Color Run on 27 September with a stop at the Lake Park Car Show. He will send out email.

We evolved into a social club.

Bob moves and Colleen seconds we adjourn and it passes.

Dean H arrives.



October 14th, 2008Northstar Mustang Club Meeting
November 11th, 2008Northstar Mustang Club Meeting
November 25th, 2008Mid-month, Bowling – more details later
December 9th, 2008Northstar Mustang Club Meeting
January 13th, 2009Northstar Mustang Club Meeting
February 10th, 2009Northstar Mustang Club Meeting
March 10th, 2009Northstar Mustang Club Meeting
April 14th, 2009Northstar Mustang Club Meeting
May 12th, 2009Northstar Mustang Club Meeting
June 9th, 2009Northstar Mustang Club Meeting
July 14th, 2009Northstar Mustang Club Meeting
August 11th, 2009Northstar Mustang Club Meeting

Trading Post

Cars For Sale:Must Sell:  1986 XLT Bronco, 302 v-8, $8,000.00 this Bronco is all restored, just had sun roof put in by Auto Trim Design.  Contact Dave at (701) 282-5474 or (701) 306-8175
1929 Model A sedan, 2 dr, cowl, doors, gas tank, most window moldings $350.  LeRoy 701-729-9802
1972 Mach 1 nice shape 351C 4V $15,000  Contact Shannon  297-6806

Parts for Sale:Holley 750 cfm double pumper with electric choke setup for auto transmission., less than 2000 miles on it, $200. Contact Vince or Travis Brekken at: vbrekken@rrv.net
1973 460 complete, no accessories, $250. Call Todd 793-0919
1963 Ford 260 complete with 3 speed manual 250.00 Not running ,but complete pan to air cleaner w/ ex manifolds.
Call Todd 793-0919
408 Windsor Parts for Sale:  SCAT cast crank, New, 4" stroke, 3" main bearings, $350.   Lentz rods, used, 3/8" cap screws, perfect condition, $400.   SFI dampener, New, C.A.T. - 28 oz, $200.   351W, 79 block with crank, rods, and pistons, $100.   Cobra intake for a 351, ported lower, $450.   Also various other parts from the Mark VII and Fox-Body Mustang parts   Call Tom at 701-237-3351, or email mohody@msn.com

For Rent:Storage rental units available in Mapleton.  We currently have sizes ranging from 5x10 to 10x30 available.  15% discount to club members.  Contact Chad Parton at (701) 238-7469